Teaching Mathematics with Heart: Balancing Logic and Love in Learning

Teaching mathematics with love

Education is the heart of a nation’s development. Through education, teachers instill values and knowledge in young generations to prepare them for the unpredictable challenges of the future. But what is the best way to teach? Should it be with a strict and firm approach, or perhaps with gentleness and care?

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Capturing moments with students through this photo

One subject that is often considered a nightmare by students is mathematics. Mathematics is frequently seen as a difficult and intimidating subject, causing many students to feel pressured and lack confidence. In reality, mathematics is the foundation of many disciplines and essential skills in everyday life. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to find effective and enjoyable ways to teach mathematics so that students can understand and appreciate the subject. The next question that arises is, “How can mathematics be taught in a way that makes students enjoy learning and stay highly motivated?” There are several approaches that can be applied in practice.

First, teach with heart. This means giving full attention to students, understanding their needs, interests, talents and uniqueness, and guiding them with compassion. A teacher who teaches with heart can make students feel valued and cared for, which in turn motivates them to learn. This does not mean that a teacher should always be soft and never firm, but rather finding a balance between firmness and kindness.

Teachers need to build positive emotional relationships while maintaining ethical boundaries between students and teachers

Second, imagine a classroom where students love their teacher so much that they feel a sense of loss when the teacher is absent. This situation is a sign that the teacher has successfully built a strong emotional connection with the students. Such a relationship does not form instantly; it requires time, effort, and sincerity. Teachers who can create such bonds are usually those who teach with heart, pay attention to each student, and show genuine care.

Mathcyber_Shane Dizzy Sukardy
Giving rewards (red envelopes, also known as angpau) to students as a form of appreciation

Third, the education system often focuses too much on students’ mistakes. Every mistake is seen as a failure, and students are punished or criticized for it. This approach can lower students’ enthusiasm for learning and their self-confidence. On the other hand, a teacher who teaches with heart will focus more on finding the truth, providing correct understanding, and guiding students to correct their mistakes without fear. This way, students will be more willing to experiment, try new things, and learn from their mistakes.

Fourth, traditional teaching paradigms often place teachers at the center of the learning process, with students as passive recipients. However, this paradigm needs to be reversed. Teachers should become facilitators who help students become active learners. Students need to be actively involved in the learning process, given opportunities to explore, ask questions, and find answers on their own. The teacher only needs to provide direction and guidance while creating a supportive environment.

Fifth, when teaching, avoid making students feel pressured, especially since mathematics is a subject that many tend to avoid. Pressure can come from various sources, such as excessive academic demands, rigid teaching methods, or unsupportive teacher attitudes. Such pressure can cause students to struggle in absorbing knowledge and developing skills. Conversely, by creating a fun and stimulating learning environment, students will find it easier to absorb lessons and develop their potential.

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Teaching is not just about transferring knowledge; it is about inspiring curiosity, nurturing confidence, and fostering a love for learning.

Sixth, give students ample opportunities to solve problems that develop higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). These problems should not just require students to memorize facts but also encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration with their peers. To achieve this, teachers need to provide the right stimuli and patiently guide students. For example, in mathematics lessons, teachers can present problem-based questions that challenge students to apply the concepts they have learned in real-world situations, fostering critical thinking and creativity. This way, students do not merely see mathematics as a subject full of formulas to memorize.

Seventh, to engage students, teachers must build positive relationships with them. This relationship can be fostered through student involvement, effective classroom management, and extended focus time. For example, teachers can involve students in lesson planning, assign responsibilities to them, and create opportunities for discussions and reflection. This approach helps students feel more invested in the learning process and more motivated to participate.

Eighth, student involvement in the learning process is key to building positive relationships. Teachers can engage students by giving them choices in selecting lesson topics, learning methods, and types of assignments. By providing this autonomy, students feel more responsible for their learning and more motivated to succeed.

Next, effective classroom management is also crucial in fostering positive relationships with students. Teachers need to create a structured and organized learning environment that is also flexible and enjoyable. For example, teachers can use classroom management techniques that emphasize communication and cooperation while allowing students to actively participate in class activities.

Last, show appreciation—no matter how small a student’s achievement is, celebrate it with joy. Appreciation is one of the best ways to boost students’ motivation and confidence. Teachers can express appreciation in various ways, such as saying thank you, giving a smile, offering praise, or implementing a reward system like animated stickers or stars. For example, if a student successfully completes a challenging task, the teacher can give specific praise, such as “Great job! You solved this difficult problem very well.” Such specific praise is more meaningful to students than general compliments like “Well done.”

Teaching Mathematics with Heart
The star rating system can be an alternative to motivate students in learning

Additionally, animated stickers or stars can be awarded when students reach certain learning targets. However, it is important to ensure that these rewards do not become the main goal but rather serve as recognition of students’ efforts and achievements. Teachers can also provide educational rewards, such as books or stationery, that support students’ learning processes.

Teaching with heart is the key to creating a fun, stimulating, and supportive learning environment. By building positive relationships with students, reducing pressure, providing opportunities to develop higher-order thinking skills, and offering appreciation, teachers can help students achieve success and maximize their potential. Through an approach that is attentive and compassionate, teachers can inspire students, making them feel valued and motivated to learn.

Learning mathematics requires not only logic but also love. Logic helps us understand complex concepts, solve problems, and make accurate calculations. However, love for mathematics provides the motivation and patience to keep learning, even when facing challenges or confusion. When we love something, we tend to be more patient and persistent in dealing with it. A love for mathematics also allows us to see the beauty in patterns, symmetry, and order in the world. With a combination of logic and love, learning mathematics becomes more meaningful and enjoyable, opening doors to a deeper understanding. Ultimately, logic and love become inseparable, don’t they?